James H. Henneberry James Henneberry was born Feb 3, 1832 in Tipperary, Ireland and died July 28, 1908 in Dalton City, Illinois. (St. Isidore cemetery) James was the sixth of the twelve Henneberry children. He and at least two brothers settled near Wilmington, IL. James married Bridget Dalton on November 18, 1854 in Grundy County, IL. Bridget died c. 1860. James Henneberry and Elizabeth Magner were married on November 30, 1862 near Joliet, Illinois. Elizabeth Magner was born May 1, 1832 in Tipperary, Ireland and died: August 27, 1917 in Dalton City, Illinois. Parents of Elizabeth (James Magner & Margaret Fruin) were born in Tipperary, Ireland. James, Patrick and Francis Henneberry moved to Dora Township, Moultrie County near Dalton City and Bethany, Illinois in 1874/1875 married Marriage License: James Henebry & Bridget Dalton marriage certificate: James Henebry & Elizabeth Magner death certificate: James Henebry & Elizabeth Magner James Henneberry & Elizabeth Magner Henneberry James H. Henneberry: born Feb 3, 1832 in County Tipperary Ireland; died July 28, 1908 in Dalton City, IL Elizabeth Magner Henneberry: born May 1, 1837 in County Tipperary Ireland; died Aug 27, 1917 in Dalton City.
1850 Illinois Census: Braceville Township, Grundy County. Jane Henebry age 40, Thomas age 20, David age 18, James age 16, Michael age 12, Bess age 14, Elizabeth age 10, Patrick age 9, Bridget age 7. 1860 Will County Census: Wilmington Township pages 102-103: Taken June 21, 1860. 1870 census for Grundy County, IL, Felix Township, page 29. James Henneberry age 36, wife, Elizabeth age 32, and five children: David-age 14, Margaret-age 5, Emma Jane-age 3, and Elizabeth-age 6 months. 1880 census for Moultrie County, IL, Dora Township-Vol. 43, ED 166 sheet 10, line 42. James Henneberry-age 46, Elizabeth-age 42, David-age 23, Maggie-age 15, Emma Jane-age 13, Lizzie-age 9, Teresa-age 6, Mary Agnes-age 3, Ambrose-age 1. 1900 census for Moultrie County, IL, Dora Township-ED 99, sheet 11, line 59. James Henneberry-age 68, Elizabeth-age 63 and Ambrose-age 21.
Agnes: married Bernard Bresnan (Dalton City) St. Isidore Cemetery: Bethany, Illinois: From the Bethany Echo: Friday July 31, 1908. “James Henneberry, Dalton City: James Henneberry died at his home in Dalton City Tuesday after a long illness. He was born Feb. 3, 1832 and was a prosperous farmer near here for thirty-five years, the last fourteen years of which he has lived in town. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his death. Four daughters, Mrs. Margaret Waddell of Kansas City, Mrs. Emma Kinney, Mrs. Lizzie Kinney, Mrs. Agnes Bresnan of Dalton City, and two sons, David Henneberry of Bethany and Ambrose Henneberry of Chicago. The remains were interred in St. Isadore From the Bethany Echo: Friday August 31, 1917. “Elizabeth Henneberry. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Henneberry was held at 10 o’clock Friday morning in the Sacred Heart Church. (Mrs. Henneberry was born May 1, 1837 and died Aug. 22, 1917.)
Continued confusion regarding spelling of surname. The Moultrie County death certificate for James is spelled Henneberry. The death certificate for Elizabeth is spelled Henebery, and the gravestone is spelled Heneberry. Ship’s manifests from the 1840’s listed the name as Henebry, Heneberry and Henerbry. The Catholic Church in Bethany is spelled as St. Isadore and as St. Isidore. Ship’s clerks, census takers, newspaper reporters and others appear to have used “phonics” to spell names and places. Dates also were subject to errors. Obituaries were also subject to inaccurate descriptions. |